So the weirdest thing happened to me at work a few weeks ago.
This guy gave me a psychic message.
He is this ordinary guy, kinda quiet, always polite, one of the regulars at my store.
One day about 5 weeks ago or so, he comes through my line, and though I've seen him many times before, this was the first time I'd actually checked his purchases. His stuff came to $5.11 , and he had 5 dollars, he was going to use his debit card instead of cash, but I told him that was silly for 11 cents, I had it in my pocket and gave it to him. ( I always have a pocketfull of change in my vest , and sometimes do this for customers, maybe a holdover from my LunchLady days)
Anyway, he thanks me says he 'll pay me back, I tell him he doesn't have to, I smile, give him the receipt, and then it gets weird.
He says , " Can I tell you something?"
"Sure." I say
And I wish I could remember his exact words, because it was so weird, and at the time I knew it was something amazing, but even moments after, I was trying to remember it exactly.
It was something like this though
" Very soon , you will be reunited with someone , there will be a reconciliation with someone from your past. It will be a positive in your life."
Someone from my past, a reconciliation.
Those words I remember clearly.
Now I kept thinking about it, wondering who could that be.
I even thought at first that maybe he meant that things would be better with my husband and I ( we've had some rough times) , but my husband wasn't someone 'from my past' , and I was sure about that part of it.
The only person I could think of that might fit, was my Dad, (stepdad technically) Bill.
I hadn't seen him in about 20 yrs, maybe more, hadn't talked to him in about 11.
The last time I spoke to him he lived in Wasington state, near Olympia.
He married my Mom when I was 7, about a year after my Father died.
They'd been in Love when they were kids, highschool sweethearts.
But Mom married my Father instead.
After he died , leaving my Mom a widow at 25, Bill came back into her life.
He was always Daddy, even after their divorce , he was our Dad. He wasn't easy, but he was Daddy.
But we'd lost touch with him. He moved, his number was disconnected, I'd moved.
We tried to find him when Mom was sick. She wanted to talk him again when she knew her time was short. The internet searches never seemed right, there was no way he lived right here in Texas, so close, and we weren't willing to pay some scam site for an address.
I meant to tell my sister about the guy at work, and what he said to me. I talk to her all the time, at least twice a week. We are close , me and my Sis, closer than I think we've ever been.
* waves to Deena*
But I forgot to tell her.
So one day she is driving, and she passes this place that reminds her of Bill, so when she gets home she does a different kind of search on the net, and she thinks she finds him.
I get an email asking if I know where #### Texas is? Because that is where Bill is.
Hello? It's 30 minutes from me!
No Way!
That's impossible!
More searching
I get an address.
I write.
2 weeks later, he calls.
The man lives in the next town over from me!!!
He is married, very happily for the last 10 years. He's mellow, he's warm.
I had lunch with him last week!
It was wonderful!
He's going to meet his granddaughter soon, and his son-in-law.
I am going to meet his wife!
I can't wait.
I felt like I had lost my parents, all 3 of them.
But now I have Bill back, I have my Dad again.
I have reconciled with someone from my past, a very important someone from my past.
Some may say it's a God Thing, and maybe it is, but I think it's a Mom Thing.
I think she wanted us to recconect with him, and for him to have his kids back.
She wanted us together.
And the message?
Worth way more than 11 cents.