Got lots to say, but no one subject.
So I'll try to do a few shorties.
DaytonaYes, it's the day of the Daytona 500! The Great American Race!
I watched it ( of course) and had a great time, though wasn't very happy with the results ( I may be happier after I check out my Fantasy Race scores , not sure yet)
I always think about Dale on Daytona Day.
How could you not?
I miss seeing him him on the track. I miss his face, and his car, and his heart.
For those that don't get it; Losing the Sports biggest star, on it biggest day, is huge.
Imagine your favorite quarterback, dying on the field, in the final play of the Superbowl.
It's almost like that, but worse. It makes for a sad celebration.
It makes the Daytona 500 a celebration and a memorial, every year.
The weather sucked! They drove through clouds all day, the camera shots were crappy, it looked cold. In fact it matched the way my backyard looked, except we had temps of 30F and something they called " Freezing Fog". ( Anyone ever hear that one before? Nope, me neither.)
The track lights were on early in the afternoon, and it was nearly wet enough to stop the race all day. Watching racing through fog is not pretty, it doesn't make for a good show.
Loved Bon Jovi for the Pre-Race! LOVED IT!
J.J. Yelly. Rookie.
For the last 2 days my Hubby has been talking about JJ. In fact we started calling the kid,
"Jelly" for short.
"Are you Jellin'?"
So of course I picked him for my team , because my Hubby made him appealing. What a bust!
Tony Stewart.
I don't want to talk about Tony today , so we won't.
Jimmie Johnson, winner of the 2006 Daytona 500.
I'd be a lot happier about his win if his crew cheif wasn't caught cheating last week, and suppended from the race. I like Jimmie, but I don't like cheating, and I hated his excuse.
Good for him, but I can't feel really great about it, and that makes me mad.
Not the worst Daytona 500 I've ever seen, but not the best either. I'm just glad that Nascar season is back.
Start your engines!
LympicsI can't watch the Olympics with my husband.
He makes me crazy!
He talks over the part I want to hear, he acts like he knows it all, he won't admit when he is wrong.
Hell , he even makes up stats off the top of his head and gets mad when I question them.
" Do you have a source for that?"
Just becuase I have never skied, doesn't mean I can't see what is going on
" You see that? His skies are close together, like they should be!"Yes, yes, I can SEE!
What is bad is when he tries to tell me what happened in an event that he didn't watch, an event that I
did watch.
But the worst?
The worst is when he tries to "fix" the Olympic Sports. Like they would be better with his suggestions, like the athletes would go faster if they just tried it His way.
Ya, right.
For instance, Skeleton.
Did you know that they should put their arms out in front of them?
Oh yes, they' d go faster that way.
( I spent 2 hours arguing why this would be totally stupid and they'd break their arms, and they wouldn't be able to see where they were going; And how if it was faster, wouldn't they have tried it already? I even offerred to take him out for a drive on the highway, to see if he could keep his arm straight out the window at 70mph.)
Every event is like this!
(Except Ice Dancing, because he can't seem to figure out what a "twizzle" is. )
So I usually wait to see if he will fall asleep early, if not, I pretend I am going to bed early so I can watch the Games in the other room, in peace.
He makes me crazy!
The BoyfriendKatie has a Boyfriend.
He's been over for the day a couple times. He's a nice boy.
They have been crushing on each other and all giggly since 6th grade. They have gone to different schools the last two years, and mostly met up at School Dances, or talked on the phone some. He goes to the School I work at , and I have passed the occasional note or two for them.
They have spent time together lately because of parental assistance. He lives all the way across town, a nearly 30 minute drive from our house. (Not like the old days, when the boy that liked me in 8th grade , would ride his bike a mile up the hill to see me.)
Next year they go to the same school.
They have the same interests, and they are very sweet together.
He is a BOY.
Not one of those 13 yr old hairy, mini- men, with broad shoulders. Nope, "Z" is a boy.
He is polite ( the lunchladies love him) and quite sweet faced.
Even Katie's Daddy likes this boy.
( Who had the good sense to lose 2 games of Chess to Kate's Dad.)
There has been no kissing , yet.
I am not naive, my daughter told me she is hoping he will kiss her soon.
Friday night, he asked her, ( online, since he was almost out of phone minutes) if she would be his "Girlfriend".
Katie said, " Yes!" ( typed " yes")
I am happy for her.
She has never been "boy crazy", but she really likes
this Boy.
She is different, My Katie, from other teenaged girls. She knows who she is and what she wants.
She is shy, but with an odd kind of confidence.
I watch her carefully, but I'm not worried about her. Yet.
It's weird , watching your child have their first love.
I'm not looking forward to her first heartbreak, but I guess this is how it starts.
F*F*F* F-ing* F!Conversations between my Hubby and my Brother are quite colorful.
Not in a creative way, just in a "
fuckin' " , as a verbal tic kinda way.
I am not going to claim my own language is without the occasional swear word, but enough already!
Dude, it was fuckin' crazy, fucking amazing fucking crazy.I know what you fucking mean, I deal with that fucking shit everyday!No, I mean fucking crazy!I fucking know!You have no idea how fucking fucked up this is, it's totally fucked.Ya, that's fucked up.Arrrrgh! I want to scream! Can every other word, not be "FUCK" ?
My kid is in the next room, and she can hear you.
So usually they are both pretty good, but as soon as the are together the conversation gets so full of F's , that I can't take it.
Do they talk this way at work?
And I am not quiet about it when it gets bad.
" Can you guys watch the language? Kate can hear you."
" Can you tone down the swearing?"
" Hello! Can we tone down the F word in there?!"
But they don't hear me.
The other night, my brother looked at me and said , " What? I'm not swearing."
Umm yes, yes you were.
It's as if he doesn't even hear it. Every other word is
EFF!I'm not a word prude , but I see no reason for it being used so often.
I even use the word myself, just not in every sentance.
Not every other word.
Not while the kid is sitting there!
Sure, she's heard the word, but can we tone it down a little?
My living room is not a locker room, and they are both bright enough to have other words in their vocabulary.
As soon as they are together it starts.
I'm fucking tired of it!